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Tulip Tree Buds

Jacqueline McIntyre

Thought I would post another piece I am working on.  I was missing working on a flower painting.  I used a photograph I had taken of a tulip tree at our local mall.  As I was taking the picture of what I thought was just the flower a mall security guard approached me and told me I wasn't allowed to take photographs on  the mall property.  I nicely explained I was just taking a picture of the flowers and showed him what the image looked like, but he said no more photographs because part of one of the mall buildings was in the photo.  What a sad commentary about the world we live in now.

On another note, in a previous post I mentioned a work of mine being what I felt was copied.  A friend lent me a marvelous little book titled "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon.  It's truly inspirational for artists, writers or musicians.  I ordered a copy for myself from Amazon so I could use a chapter each day to inspire me.


Jacqueline McIntyre

Gee I realized hadn't posted in awhile.  I was juried into an Arts Festival show in August and thought I would change it up a bit.  Looking at other artists work on the Internet I see where quite a few are working on small pieces, mostly in a square format in a size 6" x 6". So  I thought join the crowd and do the cow the cow series,all in 6x6 square format.  Keeping them small might be a good price point for more people to buy who can't afford larger pieces, but still want to buy art or support an artists work.

What are your thought on prices and size of your art work?  They are oils done on gessoed 1/8' thick MDF board unframed.  A friend I suggested I show them with a frame and give the buyer the option of price with or without the frame.  Have any of you tried this and if so was it successful?

WOW...I really take bad pictures of my art.  I previewed what I posted and see that all the pieces look way too dark.  The pink background in the first one isn't nearly that dark.

Oil Painting and Collage of a Gold Finch (SOLD)

Jacqueline McIntyre

Another small bird that comes to my feeder.  I believe they are Gold Finches.  Today I had an unexpected visitor.  Living in the Pacific Northwest we have Anna Humming birds that stay here all winter.  Today I saw a Rufus Humming Bird at the feeder.  Oh, so magnificent in the sun;  he flashed colors of orange copper and gold!  I have tried painting the Anna's, but feel I failed trying to capture the iridescent colors of the bird.  My husband suggested I glue sequins on the throat for the colors...not a  bad idea since my bird paintings are partly about collage.

I made an attempt to change my blogs color format, it still needs some tweeking, can't get the top to do what I want.   Probably will have to stay that way.  Sometimes with my finagling I send stuff into never-never land on the computer and can't find a way to retrieve it.

BlueBird...Western Scrub Jay "JAY IN THE IRIS" ( Oil and Collage)

Jacqueline McIntyre

"JAY AND IRIS" ($100.)
I can always hear when one of these birds come to the feeder.  I run and grab my camera hoping to capture one of them looking my way.  Such noisy creature which have so much to say and with very load and strong voices.   I wasn't sure what type of blue birds they are and finally discovered they are called Western Scrub Jays.  I also have Stellar Jays that come to the feeder, but those birds have a sort of crown of feathers on top of their head. 

Another CROW

Jacqueline McIntyre

"ABC CROW" ($100.)
Missed painting my old feathered friends the CROWS.  My husband wonders why they never have feet.  Does it bother you that I prefer to eliminate the feet?  It's not that I don't like bird feet; It's more I dislike painting them accuratly.


Jacqueline McIntyre

New bird... oil and collage.  Size 8x8 on a gessoed cradled board.   The striped backgound is an old piece of wallpaper I found in my collage material.  The color of the stripes are slightly more pink, but I couldn't get the camera to get the color right. Another reason I am not too happy with my fairly new Canon camera..UGH!  I even spoke to the Canon customer service person, who I felt knew less than I did about the color issue.

CHICKADEE oil painting and collage

Jacqueline McIntyre

"CHICKADEE" ($100.)
Not the greatest photo of this little Chickadee I painted.  Another great bird that comes to the  feeder hanging outside my studio window.  The bottom of the oil painting is done in collage.  It's of a group of Zinnias that I took a photo of and manipulated in a photo digital program.  I have been trying to incorporate more of my photos in the collages I do, rather then just using parts of magazine pages. It's done on an 8"x8" cradled board.


Jacqueline McIntyre

I decided to try my hand at some new birds.  I have several bird feeders that I can see from my studio window.  This is one of the fellows that came to feed.  I bought a new powers shot Canon camera this summer because it has a more powerful zoom than my old one and I have to say I am not really happy with it.  The colors just are never very good.   I have to do too much color fiddling in my computer before I can post a picture of the painting.  Also, the zoom only really works well on the optical zoom, the digital zoom is very grainy.  I don't recommend anyone buying a Canon Powershot SX30 IS.

To all the folks out there who look at my blog, I wish you a joyous holiday and a very Happy New Year.


Jacqueline McIntyre

Yesterday I attended the Audubon Wild Arts Festival. The first two photos are how the donated 6"x6" canvas are displayed. My piece is on the first picture third row down, second one in. My friends Wendy and Dave Dehart also did pieces for the show and Dave's was blown up and placed in the circle above on one of the displays. As always there are marvelous birds on display and lovely handlers giving in- formation about the birds and why they have to live in captivity, usually because humans have stepped into their lives and have wanted to make a pet out of the bird or they come injured to the society. This was a beautiful female owl on display.
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Jacqueline McIntyre

Thought I'd post something I am working on. This piece is much longer but I haven't worked out all the idea for the rest of it. There will be three crows on the branch and another group of branches on the right. I'm not too happy yet with the crows, they still need work, but the oils still wet and I can't go back into the painting the crows which I want to be a denser black. I honestly don't know if I think this piece is going to work. I have several friends coming over and we critiques each others work, so perhaps their input will help me figure out if I should continue to work on the piece.

On another note the Audubon Wild Arts Festival is this weekend. Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th  My post on 10/4 ....shows the piece I entered. I had a lovely surprise, I receive several messages yesterday that the show had been featured on Fox News here in Portland and my entered piece was shown in detail on TV! Sure wish I had seen it. If your in Portland check out the show, it's always a very interesting show with live birds and great artists and authors. http //

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Jacqueline McIntyre

Every year Art Media a Portland Oregon Art Supply Company hands out free 6" x 6" canvas to do a painting for the Audubon Wildlife Show. Art media has now become part of Dick Blick, a national company and from what other artists have told me only 25 canvas were handed out, probably from each store location. I happened to already have one so this will be my donated piece this year. I will post more about the show as the dates gets nearer in November. Remember all these little gems are only $40.!

Also, I have had several request for me to post the prices I am asking for my "Rain Bird" series. Always the hardest decision as to what to price ones art work. I have decided to ask $100. for the 8" x8" and $125. for the 8"x10".
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FLOWER PAINTING (Marigold Oil Painting)

Jacqueline McIntyre

I recently went to the Luscher Farm in Lake Oswego Oregon; it's a community garden and my fellow artist friend Wendy Dehart and I try to get there at least once in the summer to do some Plein Air work. The gardens are beautiful, full of wonderful flowers and veggies everywhere. Well, as usual I was in a state as to what to paint. Since I don't get outdoors often enough to paint I usually can't decide what to paint. It's a real dilemma for me and when I saw this bunch of Marigolds I instinctively felt they where calling to me, so my confusion was put to rest as I always love to paint flowers.

But, I think looking back at my experiences with Plein Air painting I have come to the conclusion it's not what I enjoy painting, or if I am to paint outdoors I want to hone in on a small area and not try to paint the vast expanse of the landscape. Any one out there who has the same problem? I think another problem I have with landscape painting is there are so many artist who do it so well and I want to some some how put a different concept to my work.

Mitchell Albala who's landscape painting book "Essential Concepts and Techniques for Plein Air and Studio Practice", recently posted an interview with Wolf Kahn,  whose landscapes are amazing because he has learned to paint the suggestion of the landscape without painting the detail. If the link doesn't work try .
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Jacqueline McIntyre

As usual I haven't posted in awhile. I took a break from the crow paintings/ collages and painted my favorite cup again...third time for this cup. Also attempted a small china cup. I have an English friend who when she comes to visit I always get out the china cup and a small china teas pot so she can enjoy her beloved tea. It's still a work in progress and needs some size adjustment, thus I won't post it until I feel I have gotten the proportions in scale.
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First City Celebration and Art Event today Saturday

Jacqueline McIntyre

If your looking for something fun to do today come see me at my both at the First City Celebration in downtown Oregon City.  I am sharing a space with Wendy Dehart,, a pastel artists.  My recent series of paintings of crows and collages will be on display.   It should be a really well attended event.  This is a one day event and the artists show runs from 11:00 to 7:00 today and the wine and music part continues until 9:00 tonight.  Wendy and my booth will be located right in front of the courthouse on main street in OC.  Please stop by and say hello or better yet take one our works of art home with you.